Fig. 5. Generalized linear model of depression. O-C, obsessive-compulsive; SOM, somatization; VAS, visual analog scale; DI, dysfunction index; PI, palpation index; TMJ, temporomandibular joint; OA, osteoarthritis; I-S, interpersonal sensitivity; ANX, anxiety; HOS, hostility; PHOB, phobic anxiety; PAR, paranoid ideation; PSY, psychoticism; B, correlation coefficient; CI, confidence interval. Statistically significant result was set at p-value<0.05. From the linear logistic regression analysis, the beta coefficient is the score of depression (dependent variable) for every 1 unit change of the predictor variable (independent variable). The diamond and square shows the mean of beta coefficient. If zero (0) is included in the beta coefficient range, it is not a significant result. Thus, the diamond shows the significant result, and the square shows insignificant result.
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